Pueblo, Colorado Photographer // Pet Session Giveaway Contest

As some of you may know (most who I know personally), I went through a very long and hard battle only a year ago. My fondest memories as a child involve one very static feature: my cat. Ever since we picked her out when I was only 7-years-old, she was my best friend and my best companion. She seemed to always know when something was wrong, and she was always there when everything was right. She was my warmth when I went to sleep at night, and my morning greeter when I woke up. No matter what I was going through I knew I always had her to come home to.

Not many people understand the deep bond between human and animals. When my cat started getting older, I truly feared the outcome of her last days. I only hoped that she would pass at the right time, at the right moment, and most importantly: not alone. Mica was my first forever-home pet. She was with me for 18 years. Over half my life is filled with memories of her. When she started showing signs of her sickness and old age, to completely sum it up, my life was hell. I spent months going in and out of the veterinary’s office trying to find a way to help her and to make her better. Inside of me somewhere I knew that her time was coming, but I knew I couldn’t let her go until I knew for sure there was nothing else that could be done.

Many people would probably call it cruel that I didn’t take her in to put her to sleep. I know she was in pain in her last few weeks. But at night when I laid next to her, she still had a glimmer in her eyes, she still had a very soft purr, and she still acknowledged my presence. It was so hard for me to make a decision. I can recall many times where she was struggling and I started to call the vet because “it was time”. But, every time she pulled out of it just enough to stay a bit longer.

When she finally passed, it couldn’t have been more perfect. We were alone, at home, she was on my lap. It was quiet and there were no distractions. I didn’t even realize she was passing, but I held her close and told her I loved her as she left. This is as much of a summary as I could put it, but I could go on and on and on about my stories of my cat and how much she means to me. It has definitely been strange adjusting the past year without her. We now have a new family of fur babies that I love so much. If you know me personally, you know they’re my kids.

One thing that I’m most thankful for are the photographs that I took of her. Throughout her life I took so many photos of her. When I first started photography, she was my test subject with every new technique. As a result I have hundreds of photos and fond memories of her that I can look at any time I want to revisit the past. The photos I’m most thankful for are the ones that I took just an hour before she passed away. I put her on her favorite blanket, in the sun on the windowsill. She looked so peaceful and at rest. It helps to remind me that it *was* okay that I waited and did not take her in to be euthanized (that’s such a harsh word…).

Next month it will be a year since her passing. It has been in my heart to help out another person who is as passionate and has just as much love as I do for his or her pet. I want to do a giveaway in Mica’s honor. I’ll be giving away a 1 hour photo session with one deserving person and his or her best companion. Anyone and everyone is eligible to enter. Please read below for the details:

My Best Companion Giveaway Contest


  • 1 hour shoot of one deserving person and his/her best companion (Families are eligible, but please limit only up to 4 persons)
  • 20 best images on a disc with printing rights



1) You must “LIKE” Malissa Ahlin Photography on Facebook (I will be announcing the winner there)
2) EMAIL me at Malissa@MalissaAhlin.com with *all* required details below:

  • Your First and Last Name
  • Photo of you and your best companion
  • The story of you and your best companion and why I should choose you. (please be as detailed as possible… I’m a sucker for sappy stories that involve pets)

3) Please COMMENT below letting me know you’ve entered, and please allow your comment to be shared on your Facebook page by clicking the “post to Facebook” option.


I will be picking the story that touches my heart the most. I’m looking for Chicken Soup for the Pet-Lover’s soul quality stories ;) I want to know how you first met your pet, your relationship, any funny or personal stories that involve your pet. Please tell me *why* I should choose you and anything else you want me to know.

ALL entries must be in by March 15th, 2014

Winner will be announced by email and on my Facebook page on Monday, March 17th, 2014

Please share this with anyone and everyone you think will be interested! :)

  • Travel expenses are NOT included; all travel & accommodations must be covered for Malissa Ahlin if winner chooses to do the shoot outside the vicinity of Pueblo, CO.
  • This promotion is not affiliated with ANYONE or ANYTHING else but Malissa Ahlin Photography
  • If winner does not claim prize by 12 noon on March 21st, 2014, the runner-up will be announced
  • Winner must schedule for session to take place before May 1st, 2014. If scheduled session is cancelled or if session cannot take place before this date, winner forfeits the donated session.
  • Winner may not trade winnings for other photography services, products, discounts, or cash value.





  1. Amanda Lopez says:

    I entered !! Email sent :)

  2. Cayla Powers says:

    I’m entered!!

  3. Nicole Betts says:

    I’m entered and sent the email =)

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June 2020: Southern Colorado
June 2021: Iceland 

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