Taking a Leap of Faith :: Branding and Becoming a Wedding Photographer


I woke up this past Friday and something really hard hit me. I went to work at my office downtown and had no intentions of making the decision I made at all, but after one phone call it was like something came over me and took control of my brain!! I am scared for the chance that I am taking and wondering if it will really work. I am already doubting I did the right thing, but I do not want to be someone who commits to anything and pulls out last minute. I look back on my life and realize the only things I really regret are the chances I didn’t take, and can most definitely confirm that in saying the best things that have ever happened to me occurred on toes of uncertainty after making a decision I wasn’t completely comfortable with… Something you would call a “leap of faith”. So…. Cheers to life. It’s a crazy journey. I’m just so blessed I have a husband who supports my crazy decisions and I’m exited to see what is going to happen next.

So, here goes my first post in my “new” blog. You can’t really tell at all but I’ve been working on getting together this dang blog for a couple of weeks now. First of all, the content builder on this host is a whole new world to me. I’m absolutely terrible when it comes to web design and pretty much setting anything up web based. Thankfully there were enough tutorials to at least get me started.

Now here I am. One very simple, plain blog with very little decoration. I have been going back and forth on how exactly I would like to portray myself and my work to the world on this blog. Then while searching for some inspiration, I came across an interview of a professional blogger who was discussing “branding” and getting your brand noticed. He pretty much said exactly what I needed to just let it all go. If I could remember the name of the video or photographer, I’d love to share the link. But right now all that is sticking with me is this opinion he boldly stated: instead of focusing on getting an awesome, noticeable, distinctive brand, think of your photographs and your content, first. Develop who you are as a photographer, grow into that, and eventually your brand will come. 

This is why I’ve had such a hard time with this! Your brand definitely is supposed to reflect who YOU are, and what your business is… but I have spent SO much time trying to find out exactly who I am… I need to just WORK. Do your thing, take your photographs, run your business, post your work, talk about your work… eventually there will be a pattern that you find in your work which will most definitely be hints of your true brand So for now, I am just going to let it all go. I’m going to continue to post my work, develop my craft, continue to learn and grow in this business of wedding photography. In the meantime I will hopefully find out what that brand is. Oh… I’ll find it :)

BUT!!! Instead of starting out my blog with photos, I would like to dedicate this first post as a significant point in my life.  This is a dream that I’ve been waiting to have happen for years now: to drop absolutely everything and to dedicate myself full time as a Wedding Photographer. Not just any wedding photographer… one that is confident in her work, confident in her business. One that develops amazing relationships with her clients AND fellow business owners in the industry. I want to provide a better experience for anyone who is crazy enough to hire me. I don’t want to do this business for the fame or the money… it’s simply just what I love to do. I love weddings–I love the flowers, the colors, the whimsical and beautiful, loving emotion of weddings. I love providing a helping hand. I’m obsessed with capturing the most emotional moments of the day. I love to cry when everyone else is crying. I love it all!

So, call it official… well… in 8 working days (my last day at my office job is February 8th!). Here I am, and it is so nice to finally be a part of it all. :)


Oh, and here’s a couple pictures of me with my kids…


Kitty Cat Love





  1. Solan Ras Wedgle says:

    **HUGE SMILE***

  2. Timothy Sparks says:

    Hey Malissa! Great post! I love your work and am looking forward to se what you will do in the future :) I know its going to be great!

  3. Heather Richardson says:

    You go girl! :)

  4. Jeff Rood says:

    I realize I don’t know you, but I find it interesting you are taking a similar leap as I am. It’s been almost a month since I left corporate America for my video production business, and I am loving the journey so far. I too have an amazing spouse who supports me in my crazy endeavor. It’s her belief in me that pushes me through those times when I doubt I have what it takes. Good luck to you! Stay Scrappy!

  5. Liv Inger Lundseng says:

    Yay! Congrats Malissa! You’ll do great, I know it!

  6. Adam Pacheco says:

    Awesome Malissa Pacheco we need to grab that coffee soon and chat about how we are going to book so many weddings this summer!

  7. Jarrod Renaud says:

    Yes! Congrats!

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